Harold E Ford
Personal & Family Data
Born October 2, 1904
Western Spings, IL
Died June 17, 1972
Chicago, IL
Father Thomas Albert Ford
Mother Edith Emeline Ford
Siblings Newell A Ford
William Kenneth Ford, M.D.
Spouse Leona Ford
Married February 9, 1929
Boston, Massachusetts
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Harold is the somewhat mysterious younger brother of Grandpa William K. Ford.There is little information to be found about him. He had no children. He had no wake upon his death, just a short memorial service. He died young (compared to his brothers and by most standards) at the age of 67 from heart disease.

It seems he was smart and perhaps as smart as his big brother Bill as he graduated from the prestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Boston. Oddly enough he comes back home after graduation and works alongside his father and brother in the construction business where he worked the rest of his life.

Harold was born in Western Springs, the last of the three boys. Brother Billy was 4 and Newell was 6 at the time. Bill seems to have made an impression on his baby brother as Harold followed in his footsteps by enrolling in the St. John's Military Academy in Wisconsin.

Harold then went off to Boston and MIT where he met his soon-to-be wife, Leona. They were married on February 9, 1927 and Harold graduates 2 years later. The couple moves back to the Chicago area and Harold goes to work for his father. By 1940, Leona's mother has come to live with them.

Soon World War II breaks out and then America enters the conflict. Big brother Bill, already an established doctor, goes to enlist in February of 1942. He was disqualified from service due to his poor vision (although the Navy ignored the disqualification). To make him proud (perhaps), Harold enlists in the Navy on May 18, 1942. The Ford brothers have quite the competitive spirit, however, so Bill went back to registration and was found fit for duty in the Navy on July 20, 1942.

Certainly Harold serves well and retires on November 5, 1945 as a Navy Commander. Harold returns safely to Leona in Hinsdale Illinois where she is busy in volunteer work. The couple travel a bit and even take a big cruise to Hawaii in 1952.

Did they want children? Could they have children? Could Harold have done something great with his degree from MIT? Was he happiest working alongside his brother and father? While these questions will never be answered, we can safely say that Harold served his country well, and his brother Bill most certainly helped to steer his course.
Harold attended St. John's Military Academy and then went to Beloit College.

Later he graduated from MIT in Boston, the class of 1929, where he was a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon.
Military Record
Harold enlisted on May 18th, 1942 at the age of 37 and was not released from service until March 11, 1946. He was fighting WWII along with his big brother Dr. Ford.
The 1940 census lists Harold as a contractor earning $3,500 per year - very good money in those days. He owns his own home worth $15,000, at 4001 Central Avenue in Lyons, Illinois.
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Harold (in the middle) with his two brothers, Newell and Bill
Taken in Western Springs
Newell, Bill, and Harold on their front porch
Newell - Bill - Harold on their front porch - Western Springs
Thomas Ford in car with family
Taken by someone at their house on Grove. Significant as this car came out in about 1908 and WKF in back can\'t be more than 10.
Harold Bill Newell about 1932
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