Emeline Persis (Palmer) Brooks
Personal & Family Data
Born December 19, 1828
Williamsfield, Ohio
Died May 15, 1913
Williamsfield, Ohio
Father Varnum Bates Palmer
Mother Persis Palmer
Siblings Anna Bates Vernon
Rubie C Moffitt
Spouse William Charles Brooks
Married 1847
Children Ellen Emeline Woodworth
Franklin L. Brooks
Charles Varnum Brooks
George William Brooks
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Emeline Persis Palmer was born in Williamsfield Ohio in 1828. Her middle name comes from her mother Persis (Meachum) Palmer. She was the oldest of 3 girls. Emeline marries a local boy named William Brooks and they stay in Williamsfield their whole lives with their extended family.

Emeline and William have five children, the oldest being Ellen Emeline. This oldest daughter of an oldest daughter also stayed in Williamsfield, married a local boy named Newell Woodworth and had five children too. Her middle daughter, Edith Emeline, would have a son named William who had a son named William, whom we call Top Dog.
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