Clara Fowler
Personal & Family Data
Born June 23, 1867
Chichester, Sussex
Father Samuel Wray
Mother Louisa Wray
Siblings James William Wray
Elizabeth Wray
Eliza Gregory
Spouse Edwin Fowler
Married October 24, 1893
Poon India
Former Spouse Edward Fowler
Children Louisa Fowler
Florence Fowler
Arthur Fowler
 Ancestors & Descendants  
Clara Fowler
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Clara and her twin sister sister Eliza are born to Samual and Louisa Wray in June of 1867. Their father dies soon after their birth and their mom is forced to move to St. Pancras and take up a role as Mistress in their school for orphaned girls. The school prepares the orphaned girls of the area for life as a domestic servant hopefully one day in the home of a well-off parishioner. When Clara's mother dies in December of 1871, she becomes one of the orphans of St. Pancras.

At least the girls have each other and at some point their Aunt Jane Ford comes to live with them. Jane takes up the role of School Mistress and for at least while the girls live directly with her.

In 1891 the girls are 23 and living in St. Barts parish on their own means. Perhaps this means they do not have a regular job and work when they can.

Clara travels to India as a "companion" which is likely a paid position. She meets a young soldier from Gloucestershire by the name of Edwin Fowler. Edwin joined the Welsh regiment in 1888. The two are married in 1894 in Poon India. Edwin becomes the Adjunct of the 2nd/5th Welsh Regiment

Their first child, Louisa Agnes, is born in Secunderabad India in 1896. Then Florence Elizabeth comes two years later in Bellamy India. Soon the young family moves back home and settles in Cardiff, Wales. It is here that their last two children are born. Arthur is born in 1901 and Clara Elizabeth in 1905.

Much more work needs to be done to find more about the poor little orphan girl who survived the poverty of her childhood and had a chance to see part of our great big world. We do know that on her 81st birthday she had a huge party with her twin Sister Eliza.

The party was held at the Village Hall with over 300 guests. The cake weighed 35 pounds! They even received greetings from the Queen "mum" (mother of the current Queen of England) who was also 81 at the time!
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